
Deadline - Chris Crutcher Deadline by Chris Crutcher is about a boy, Ben Wolf, who is diagnosed with a deadly disease and plans to make his senior year one for the books -- doing things he would only dream about -- but tells no one. I still have not fully decided if I like this book or not. There are parts that really stood out to me (and frankly, they changed the way I look at God, life, and love) but a majority of the book I just skimmed through it trying to finish. Throughout the book there are times when it is hard to distinguish who is speaking when. I really liked how realistic the book was, it was easy for me (when I got to a hidden gem) to submerse myself in the book. I disliked how frivolous parts of the book sounded. The ending, to me, was exactly what I expected but well written enough to a point where I still cried. I would recommend this book for young adult readers who like realistic fiction and a "before time runs out" type novel.